Sarah And Jessica Photography Lessons
Today I was with Sarah and Jessica on location at Wollaton Park for their 3 hours Photography Lessons teaching them to take control of their camera and proceed to photograph in Manual mode, Sarah and Jessica have recently started to attend my monthly camera club and decided they would like to learn more about how to operate their camera.
Both Sarah and Jessica had a very basic understanding of how to capture images in auto mode, what we needed to do was take full control and get that camera dial pointing to the "M" mode and get their creative juices flowing.
We covered how the Shutter, Aperture and ISO dials on your camera all work together and altering one for a designated effect or exposure you will need to counter balance this with one of the other two available or your exposure will be either too bright or dark.
One hour into our lesson both Sarah and Jessica were quickly able to alter the exposure of an image had it been either over exposed or under exposed and now had an understating that changing one of either Shutter Speed, Aperture or ISO we would need to see one of the others changed to compensate for the change.
I would like to say a big thank you to Barry the parrot for his staring roll in our photography lessons today.
Here are just a few images taken on the day.